The Positive Twist - a podcast about dystonia

Ten Years of The David Marsden Award, an Interview With Recipients Prof. Mark Edwards and Asst. Prof. Niccolo Mencacci

January 26, 2021 Dystonia Europe Season 1 Episode 5

In this episode of the Positive Twist we meet with Professor Mark Edwards from St George's in London, and Assistant Professor Niccolo Mencacci at Northwestern University outside of Chicago (USA). Mark was the first recipient of the David Marsden Award in 2003. He tells us about what the award has meant to him and what an impact David Marsden had on the field of neurological disorders. Niccolo received the award in 2017 and he too shares about what the award has meant to him, how it has helped connect him further in the field. Finally both give some helpful advice and encouragement to any young researcher considering applying for the award.